Home Coming!

Elder Williams Return Home Having Served an Honorable Mission in San Diego CA- Imperial Valley Region

Heavenly Father is Please with Your Service  Elder Williams 

D&C 124:49 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the sons of men to do a work unto my name, and those sons of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men, but to accept of their offerings.

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Carrie Happy to Have Big Brother home.   

P-Day Change

Its been awesome out here and I am having an absolute blast out here in serving on my mission! I have an awesome trainer Elder Myler he is an absolute blast to be out here with and since he is my first companion I know the rest of my mission will be amazing too! I have heard that your first companion sets the tone for your mission and if thats true then these next two years will be absolutly fantastic!
       One thing I thought you may be interested to know also for kind of another count down. I have 103 P-Days remaining till I come home from my mission. Yeah that makes it go by really fast! I am also sorry that I wasn't able to write yesterday, Our mission president has it so we have out P day's on Tuesday, because the temple is not open here on mondays! I also am out in the area called the Imperial Valley, It is a lot like Vegas which makes me feel like I am back home! And yeah being in the Field is WAAAAAAAY different from the MTC and I am loving it here. Plus I am well taken Care of out here. I have an amazing ward and as you can see from some of the pictures I think were sent out, It's alot of fun! I had some awesome lessons and have met so many people out here it is really amazing! I am also glad to hear you and bear are doing well.

Visiting The Mormon Battalion Historic site San Diego Mission

This Sister serving in the San Diego Mission, at the Mormon Battalion Historic site sent me this picture and email...... This morning I had the honor or taking some of our new missionaries on a tour of the Battalion.  Your son volunteered to be dressed as a soldier, and let me take his picture. 

Arrival Night in the Mission Field

April 15, 2015

 Elder Williams with San Diego Mission President and his wife....
Jonathan S. Schmitt & Sister Schmitt
President, California San Diego Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
New Missionaries in the California San Diego Mission

They were a bit weary due to early morning travel, but we were able to feed them lunch, get them some rest (along with a letter written to you), and some training.  I was able to individually meet with each of our new missionaries and am so impressed by their dedication and desire to follow Jesus Christ.  Tomorrow morning, we will assign them their first area and missionary companion.

Thanks so much for your love and support of these great missionaries.  It is truly our privilege to serve alongside them.

Little surprise this morning

I also woke up to the wonderful sound of my son on the phone.  He is so happy to be headed to San Diego and start serving others. I have to say i really love that young man.

P-Day #2

Just received a short email from Elder Williams today but hope to hear more soon.... If you wouls like to email him at

Elder Williams:  I am so excited to fly out tomorrow to San Diego. I actually have a surprise for you tomorrow too so make sure you have your phone on you and look for a number from the Utah area code!

email:  tjwilliams@myldsmail.net

Address: Elder Trevor J. Williams
               California San Diego Mission
               7404 Armstrong Place
               San Diego, CA 92111

1st P-Day email.....Yeay!!!!!

(Here a part of Elder Williams' Letter)   

   When I first arrived here I had an awesome experience when I got to actually be in the class with all of the new missionaries who were coming into the mtc from all over the world. It was an amazing experience and I remember feeling an over whelming spirit here that I have not felt in so long. I remember being grouped up with a few sisters who had come from Liverpool England, and Brisbane Australia. and I was able to bear such a strong testimony and through the spirit I could feel of the love from heavenly father. The next day I met my companion for my time here at the MTC and had a fun time getting to know him and those in our district. His name is Elder Cook (No relation to Landon) and he actually is an air force brat too! Though he is actually serving in the Anchorage Alaska mission, along with the other two elders in my district (Elder Strong, and elder Mohr) and two of the sisters (Sister McGee and sister Fambrogh). we have three other sisters in our district. Sister Percel and sister Atwood, are actually going to San Diego like I am while Sister Jordan is going to Nebraska.
Now time for the really good stuff, Conference…..Confrence here was absolutely one of the most amazing experiences I think I have ever had. There was such an amazing spirit and the talks were beyond (Que dorky north london accent) Fantastic! I remember just sitting there and feeling an amazing spirit so much that on average I have two or more pages of notes from each speaker! My favorite talk is hard to really pick out but I will try and find one.  I would like to bear my testimony now, that I know without a shadow of a doubt that this gospel is true. That we have a living prophet on this world today, and that we have a truly loving heavenly father, who loves with all of his being, because he had sent his only begotten son, who was perfect in every manner, to die for us. Just so that we might be able to return home.  I know that he will bless you and Carrie in ways unimaginable. I have seen his blessings here and I know of the truthfulness of the gospel, because I have felt it so strongly here. I have felt his spirit with me and I know that he loves me. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


Departed 3/31/2015 to Missionary Training Center (MTC)

Elder Williams

With Mom
With Carrie
Walking away......

Elder Williams - I have made it to the MTC safe and sound, My flight was good and I have already met some amazing people here at the MTC


If you would like to write to Trevor anytime during 
his two year mission here is his address: 

                                                      Elder Trevor J. Williams 
                                                      California San Diego Mission 
                                                      7404 Armstrong Place, 
                                                      San Diego, CA 92111

Please write address as posted to better ensure he receives his mail
Trevor is Scheduled to arrive is San Diego April 14, 2015
Mar 8, 2015 - Family and friends show their support at his farewell talk at church.

Mar 8, 2015 - Mom, Carrie and Trevor
Dec 19, 2015 - Trevor receiving his Endowments at the San Antonio TX Temple....

Dec 19, 2015 - Trevor was escorted through the Temple by 
Brother Joseph Hopkins